Integrated Cranial Biodynamics & Thanatology

study program ONE

overview of six day course curriculum ~ 42 hours

art of Listening how do we listen?

inner inquiry asking questions of the self: reflecting on what has been, what is now, what will be

anatomical guidelines regarding body systems, their rhythms, pulses and fluid flows ~ the underlying forces that determine how we function

workings of the cranial sacral system ~ the core-link

anatomy of the cranium : spine : sacrum : fascia : diaphragms : meninges

an introduction to the ‘primary respiratory system’ ~ “the pulse is felt as a whispered wave coursing throughout the body” ~The Breath of Life as stated by W.G. Sutherland

becoming aware of the internal sounds and pulses of the body through direct hands on experience ~ discovery through personal experience

palpation potential

silence stillness

physical and psychological aspects of ICB

an awareness of the body's innate intelligence

embracing holistically, the essence of being human

whole body evaluation ~ the body as a whole expresses a widening from side to side in inhalation, followed by a narrowing in exhalation ~ a significant diagnostic tool

Integrated Cranial Biodynamic study programs may provide a therapist, body ~ worker, with an additional resource tool for inclusion in their already existing practices

ICB is an extremely powerful tool offered to the receiver by extremely gentle touch